Spring Edition: What To Do In Kennebunkport, ME

April 11, 2019

Maine will always have a special place in my heart. No matter where I go or live, there is just no place like home. My favorite spot to visit in Maine is hands-down Kennebunkport. It is quintessential coastal New England.

Picture sailboats in the coastal inlets, trinket stores carrying lighthouse memorabilia, and cedar shingle buildings that house cozy restaurants. Like I said, picture perfect coastal New England! Well you can find all of this while walking down Kennebunkport.

welcome to Kennebunkport
sailboats in Kennebunkport
valentines decor in Kennebunkport
pink car in Kennebunkport
peace van in Kennebunkport
Portland, Maine Chef's Table
wagoneer in Christmas decor
There are good ships and there are wood ships, the ships that sail the sea. But the best ships, are friendships, and may they always be.
Kennebunkport shells
Kennebunkport starfishs
Kennebunkport building
blue cedar shingle house in Kennebunkport
me in front of Sailboats
me overlooking the marsh inlet in Kennebunkport
Gooch's beach, Kennebunkport
the Bush summer house in Kennebunkport

What to do in Kennebunkport:

You might also want to check out Gooch’s beach. This is obviously much nicer to do when it is warm, but in the hazy spring it gives the perfect lighting to moody photos. From Gooch’s beach you can also see the Bush summer compound!

Honestly one of my favorite things to do in Kennebunkport is simply going into the trinket stores. They range from Maine souvenirs, to coastal memorabilia and everything in between. You can see that I found some pretty cool trinkets in the stores that I wandered into!

Where to eat:

Even though the weather is less than pleasant when it comes to Spring in Maine, there are still plenty of ways to get outside. Kennebunkport is the perfect place for strolling the streets, and then cozying up in a restaurant sipping craft beer. The perfect place to go is Federal Jack’s. They have fantastic Maine brewed beer as well as spectacular views of the harbor.

A pro tip for anyone looking to travel to Maine in the spring, Maine Maple Sunday is a must! It is a celebrated Maine tradition that combines a sweet holiday with rustic Maine. Tie your trip to Kennebunkport with that special celebration and you’ll have a trip to remember!

What’s your favorite New England town to visit? I’m hoping to make more New England travel guides so let me know what you’d like to see down below!




  • Jenna

    April 17, 2019 at 12:46 pm

    Such a great post! I’ll need to visit someday! Looks like there are a lot of fun things to do!

    1. Jenna

      April 18, 2019 at 6:06 pm

      Yes!! You should definitely come to Maine!! I recommend the Summer though, it’s much nicer weather then!

  • How To Take Care of Tulips – Future Southern Belle

    May 7, 2019 at 10:18 pm

    […] fresh tulips in the kitchen. You can read more about what to do in Maine during the Spring in my Spring in Kennebunkport […]

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