Receiving botox is a personal choice for everyone. This first post in my How-To series leading up to my wedding is about my personal experience with botox. It’s important to note that receiving botox is a personal choice. I wanted help with relaxing my facial muscles so that my face didn’t hurt as much when I smiled all day long.
It’s so tricky to know when to start treatments and preparing for your big day. I’ve outlined my specific schedule in my How-To series, to hopefully help you brides know when to start yours. My number one recommendation is to trial EVERYTHING. Haven’t waxed before but want to before your big day? Do a trial! Not sure how long to let your spray tan set in against your dress so you have a glow instead of a noticeable tan? Do a trial! First time getting botox so you can smile properly through all of your pictures? Do a trial! Get it yet?
So while I said above that you should get a trial for EVERYTHING leading up to your big day? Well I didn’t and that is why I am making it a point to tell all of you to get trials of everything. Weddings are a day that will be heavily photographed, both by professionals and your loved ones. While I didn’t look bad by any means, I do wish I had trialed a few things in advance.
That being said, I received botox (for the first time) eight weeks before my wedding. My thought process was that if I received botox far enough in advanced to my big day, then the movement in my face for my wedding would be perfect. I did get a touch up four weeks before my wedding and that helped with refreshing my face.
What Dosage Did I Get?
I got 25 units of botox total. Your esthetician will be able to provide you with the appropriate dosage depending on the look you are going for. For myself, I received 12 units in my forehead, 12 units for my crows-feet (6 around each eye), and 1 unit for my gummy smile. I felt my dosage was perfect for me to look relaxed for taking pictures and smiling all day throughout my wedding. When I smile, my eyes definitely get smaller. It’s something I see in all photos of me, and the crows feet dosage really helped with opening up my eyes. The gummy smile unit also helped drop the side of my lip that tends to be pushed up when I smile. The photos below show how the botox really helped with all of my concerns!

Where Did I go?
I went to Cameo Facial Aesthetics in Mount Pleasant. I did a lot of research on their Instagram and was so excited to see that they are very reputable. They are always going to new trainings and learning more in their field. It made me feel comfortable knowing they are always up to date on the latest techniques and methods for injectables. I will also note that they were willing to work my budget as well during my consultation. I opted for less units than they suggested so I could stay within my budget but still achieve the look that I wanted. It was a great experience and I highly recommend them if you are in the Charleston area!
If you liked this wedding content, be sure to check out my other post about setting the tone for your wedding day!

All photos captured by Karen Schanely Photography.
First Look vs Walking Down the Aisle – Future Southern Belle
April 29, 2024 at 7:53 pm
[…] of prep work for getting my skin in great shape for our wedding. You can read more of what I did here. My photographer, Karen, also got some great shots of my beautiful engagement ring which you can […]