23 Things I’ve Learned by 23
Hey Y’all,
Today I’m going to write about 23 very important lessons that I have learned by 23. Hopefully I can impart some of my knowledge and wisdom onto you. So here goes.

1. Wash your face with plain Dove soap.
2. Eat a damn salad.
3. Have goals, but write in pencil.
4. Get STD tests regularly.
5. Know your favorite drink.
6. Whenever you can’t figure out what you want, the answer is always water.

7. It’s perfectly okay to change your mind. This lesson is important because it applies to relationships, career paths, and even your signature lip color. Red is hard to pull off.
8. Hang out with your friends as much as you can. Friends are the family we get to choose for ourselves.
9. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.
10. Don’t say maybe if you want to say no.
11. When a boy is giving you wishy-washy feelings, be smart enough to walk away.
12. Your intuition is your best compass. Follow it.

13. Everything may happen for a reason, but don’t leave anything to chance. We get a say in our own destiny.
14. Learn how to cook. You can’t live off boxed mac and cheese forever.
15. Find an exercise that you enjoy and do that regularly.
16. It’s okay to be a little lost. It’s okay to not have everything figured out. It takes time, be gentle with yourself.
17. Find at least one thing every day that makes you happy or excited. It’ll help you stay sane.
18. Everyone needs a good cry every once in a while. Turn off the lights, lay down on the floor, blast music and let it all out. You’ll feel so much better once you do.
19. Know the difference between good sex and great sex. Good sex is messy, but great sex is messier.

20. Take yourself out on dates. Get to know yourself. You are your longest commitment.
21. Be more heart and less attack.
22. “Dressing well is a form of good manners” -Tom Ford.
23. You’re amazing, but you’re not for everybody. And that’s perfectly okay.
What are some things that you have learned over the years? I’d love to know so drop a comment down below!

All of the photos were captured by the talented Sophie Dobben. You can find more of her work here on Instagram, or here on Facebook.